June 10, 2022
Minute Read

The Connexion at Wescott Wins Best Community Amenity Award


HHHunt Communities was honored to win the Best Community Amenity award for The Connexion clubhouse at Wescott. Presented at the Home Builders Association of Virginia (HBAV) Housing Excellence Awards Ceremony, this award recognizes the best HBAV member community amenity. Factors taken into consideration when judging were theme, effectiveness, function, creativity, and design.

Located in the heart of Wescott, our urban-inspired planned community in Chesterfield County, The Connexion was created to provide an amenity that complimented the natural surroundings, promoted socialization, and included both indoor and outdoor components.  

Homeowners can use the clubhouse to work remotely, enjoy the coffee bar at their leisure or host an event. Designed for both the work-from-home lifestyle and social gatherings, it’s replete with technology for today’s modern homeowner.  Equipped with surround sound, the clubhouse offers large smart TVs connected to the internet for both conference calls and movie nights. We’ve hosted many lifestyle-centric events at The Connexion and have received amazing feedback from homeowners, prospective home buyers and realtors.  

This award directly ties to two of our Brand Promises: to be Customer Focused and a Provider of Quality Products and Services. Additionally, it exactly matches our Vision to improve the world and how people live by creating meaningful experiences and places of great distinction.

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Because it's how you live that matters®

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