December 5, 2022
Minute Read

Jonathan Ridout Awarded the Ernest E. Mayo Award


We are excited to announce that Jonathan Ridout, our VP of Real Estate Development, was awarded the Ernest E. Mayo Award by the Home Building Association of Richmond (HBAR) for outstanding service to the organization in 2022!

The Ernest E. Mayo Award was established in 1969 to honor Mr. Mayo, who contributed so much to the home building industry and to the Home Building Association. The Mayo Award has been given each year since recognizing character, integrity, service to clients, professional knowledge and ability, and Association activity.

Jonathan was presented the award at the annual HBAR President's Dinner on December 1st, where the incoming President was inducted. Jonathan will be Vice President in 2023, which puts him in line for President in 2024.

At HHHunt, we promise to be an Engaged Community Partner. We are proud of Jonathan’s leadership and dedication to our community and industry.

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Because it's how you live that matters®

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