July 10, 2023
Minute Read

Abberly Southpoint and Abberly Waterstone Partner With Old Dominion Humane Society


Team members from Abberly Southpoint and Abberly Waterstone recently partnered with Old Dominion Humane Society. Old Dominion Humane Society’s goal is to decrease the number of animals needlessly euthanized by pulling dogs from high-kill shelters and finding them loving homes. Abberly Waterstone and Abberly Southpoint held a Pet Drive in their communities throughout the month of May to collect wish list items such as beds, blankets, chicken broth, food, leashes, Lysol wipes, peanut butter, towels and more! Over 100 items were donated, which is a huge success!

Wait, there’s more! Abberly Waterstone and Abberly Southpoint hosted an Adoption Day onsite on Saturday, June 3, 2023. There was a huge turnout, with one dog being adopted and four residents registered as new volunteers for future Humane Society adoption events. Residents and team members were even able to help the Humane Society team on the spot helping to walk and care for the dogs.

We believe it’s how you live that matters, and we love when our team members and communities come together to fulfill this Brand Promise. In the local community near Old Dominion Humane Society? You can partner with them to foster, adopt, volunteer, donate or advocate to save a life!

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Because it's how you live that matters®

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